Wow wow I love you Laura & also... did you micro-dose? 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️this is so so good & captures so much of the vibe I’ve been feeling lately.. safe safe blah blah I get it.

Not from Magasin/you

But .. the general drift

To the

Heart of conformity

I’m over it.

Repeat repeat 🔁 Shopmy etc.

you SO have your own particular vibe.. having converted me to the magliano fiend I now am.. as I’ve liquidated nearly all my (non-miuccia... line in the sand) luxury wardrobe just for fun & less STUFF/yes to Himalayan salt blocks for my horse & nO to whatever giant conglomerate knit 🧶 that catches my fancy & that I’d collected in DRIfTS.

So, as a PT peddlar of my luxury cast offs... happier by the second in my own daily clothing concoctions

Hail to the queen Reilly 🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️

Also.. my eldest has his Sundance debut as an actor this weekend & called today to “set my expectations” & all, “mom. No red carpet. It’s not my film. I’m just acting in it” 😂😂😂 & my sheer delight in “phew. I can actually just low key bundle up & go see his movie.. 🎥 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼felt so easy & like such a perfect course correction for this moment in time

Anyway.. love love to you & I’ll whip together something personally & LR inspired.. like every single Gemsun piece I’ve ever bought ALL at once & many sweaters kind of look 🤣🤣⭕️❌❌❌

& please know that whatever direction you go will be superb


You can do no wrong

(Like, actually )

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Oh wow, Laura. THIS IS GOOD. Thank you for the honest share. I think more fashion newsletter founders could (and should) take cues from your perspective check and candor. Xx

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loved this Ezra Klein pod and was so excited when you teased a similar sentiment as I've been thinking about this often. Proudly maintaining my personal style in the sea of black practicality that is Oslo has been a huge challenge but I feel bolstered after reading this.

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So refreshing! Thank you. Excited to see where this refreshed curiosity leads!

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This intro!!! Thank you and so excited to read and read and follow and read more. x

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Thank you. Your honesty is amazing and very much appreciated.

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Thank you so much for your transparency Laura! I can only imagine how easy it becomes to recommend pieces that appeal the masses but don’t actually speak to you. I think most of us here are fans of the genuine YOU! 🫶

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